
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Tyrant's Desert

In my lone journey across the Desert, and from the tales of other survivors that I have studied, I believe myself to be the world's most learned scholar on what we humans call the "Sands Beyond Ilvenlor". From Ilvenlor in the southeast, two paths lay before you:North or South To the North you will come through a mountain pass before reaching the Northeastern Desert, noted by it's central mountain ranges that the Dawii once called home. That is, the race's former home. Dark Wizard of the Dawii cast his spell and unleashed unspeakable horrors into this reality, forcing the Dawii to flee with whatever possessions they had on them at the time. The majority made a long trek south through Ilvenlor and beyond. Not a proud moment. Many of the race's grizzled Old Guard turn the younglings into New Guard, and whatever race they end up next to at the bar usually has to pay for repeated drinks in order to shut them up for at least a few seconds while they down drink. Thei